Bounce juggle

Bounce juggle

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Yasemin's Art Manifesto

Yasemin's Art Manifesto 

When I first started reading Yasemin's blog almost immediately I came to the conclusion that Yasemin is a very determined and organised person. Yasemin outlines many of her goals in her manifesto, some include writing a positive thinking book, creating a blog and a youtube account and further developing her modelling career. Also using her background in dancing and performing Yasemin hopes to collaborate with other like-minded artists. She also is very determined to get the most out of uni and this course as a way to gain more knowledge and further evolve her art practise.      

Congratulations on you modelling contract! Yasemin was recently signed with MMA modelling agency. We all may be seeing Yasemin in magazines, commercials, or on TV very soon. 

- Do the Facebook and Youtube page. Its easier than you think. Even if you don't have the exact content you'd like to share yet, you still have a lot of other stuff. You have great modelling shots that you should be defiantly showing off!     

- Reading your manifesto It is clear you have many dreams and desires. It is also clear you want to create videos not only for yourself but for other people. Including videos on 'How To Become A Model', 'How To Get Great Shots and also creating a 'Self Help' book. You want to give people the opportunity to improve their lives just by reading your work or watching any number of your videos and thats very admirable. 

Thanks Yasemin, I enjoyed reading your manifesto! 


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